Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Help Your Broken Bones To Heal Faster With This Natural Remedy
Help Your Broken Bones To Heal Faster With This Natural Remedy Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH Help Your Broken Bones To Heal Faster With This Natural Remedy Comfrey is a perennial herb which originates from Europe and Euroasia. This herb is extremely beneficial at healing broken bones and bruising of a broken bone due to the medicinal properties found in its leaves and root. In this article, we will present three recipes which you can use in order to heal broken bones more easily. Here are three recipes: First of all, take 2.5 ounces of comfrey root, mince them and place in a large pot. After that, pour a quart of milk over and boil the ingredients for 20 minutes. Once boiled, remove them from heat and let them steep for 6 hours. After that, soak a clean towel in the solution and place it on the injury. During the first 24 hours, you need to change the dressing every 4 hours. After that, change the dressings as needed. This recipe is also easily prepared, all you have to do is to chop 4 tbsp of comfrey root, place in a saucepan and then add some boiling milk. Then, place the mixture over medium heat to boil for ten minutes. Allow it to cool down and then soak a towel in it and place it on the affected area. Change the dressing every four hours. To prepare this homemade remedy, you’ll need to use comfrey. All you have to do is to prepare a mixture with 4 ounces of finely chopped comfrey leaves with a pint of spirits. Once mixed, pour the mixture in a bottle or a jar and seal it tightly. The fewer congeners the spirits have the better. Vodka is ideal. Make sure to shake this solution several times per day for 2 weeks. Allow the comfrey leaves to settle before straining the liquid into a clean bottle. Store it in a cool and dry place. When you want to use it, simply rub the tincture on the injury and use a nylon to wrap it. About the Plant This plant has long, oval basal leaves and it grows about 2-3 feet in high. Its leaves are covered with prickly hairs so you need to touch it with gloves. The basal leaves grow a stalk which has smaller leaves and racemes of cream or purple flowers that blood from May till the end of summer. When it comes to its root, it is an inch thick and can grow over a foot long. It is fleshy, juicy and mucilaginous, somewhat like okra. Make sure to use root cuttings in order to grow this plant successfully. It should also be mentioned that this plant requires a lot of water. Due to the fact that it contains certain alkaloids which have been associated with liver damage, don’t use it internally.
What Will Happen After Drinking Coconut Water For A Week
What Will Happen After Drinking Coconut Water For A Week Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH What Will Happen After Drinking Coconut Water For A Week The coconut water is the best water for those that need to lose weight and be healthy. And that is true! WHY DO YOU NEED MORE SUCH WATER? Many people still do not know the health benefits of this water. This water is full with good nutrients and is additive free, so is healthy. If you haven’t tried this yet, try it now. Here are the best 6 benefits of coconut water. COCONUT WATER BENEFITS: 1. BETTER DIGESTION This water soothes the digestive tract and it gives you healthy fibers. Also it is electrolytic and this makes it easy for you to absorb food nutrients. Also spasms will be soothed and intestine pain will be gone, thus no indigestion. 2. HEALTHY KIDNEYS Coconut water also is the best natural diuretic and this aids in prevention to kidney stones and issues. Also it cleanses the urinary tract and bladder and breaks down the small stones. 3. LOSING POUNDS If you drink this water all the time or at least a week, you can shed excess fat. This water is low in fat and nutritious, thus stops unhealthy appetite. And if you drink this a lot, appetite will reduce. Energy will increase and you can do more workouts. 4. LOWER PRESSURE The American Heart Association stated that with good levels of potassium in the diet, you can maintain the pressure and even lower it. A 2005 study stated that people who had this water for a week at least could reduce the diastolic and systolic pressure by whole 29% and 71%. 5. BETTER IMMUNITY This water has lauric acid and this kills bacteria and viruses. As bacteria is removed also gum issues will be gone and UTIs too. Viruses are fought and you won’t get anymore colds and flu. Even in the winter you will be healthy. 6. MORE ENERGY This water is mostly used by athletes and is replaced with the regular water. The potassium in this water maintains the healthy cell water pressure. This makes you hydrated and healthy for any workout.
Apply This On Your Hair And It Will Grow Like Crazy For a Week
Apply This On Your Hair And It Will Grow Like Crazy For a Week Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH Apply This On Your Hair And It Will Grow Like Crazy For a Week Every woman wants to have long, bright and shiny hair, but the heat from hair dryers and straighteners and use of chemical dyes damage your hair. Luckily, there are natural elements that will help your hair to grow faster. In today’s article we will present you one way that will speed up the healing process and in few weeks you will get amazing hair. This may shock you, but one of the best natural remedies for hair growth is potatoes. This is the procedure: Take 5-6 medium-sized potatoes, wash and peel them. Next, put them in a blender and mix until you get thick mash. If needed, add some water. Finally, strain the puree through a cloth into a bowl in order to separate the potato juice from the leftovers. That actually is the potato extract you need to use as a natural remedy for hair growth. Use: Apply the mixture on your hair and massage it into your scalp. You can apply the rest of the mixture on the ends of your hair. Next, cover your head with a shower cap and leave the natural remedy to act about 20-25 minutes and then rinse off with warm water. Repeat this procedure once per week and your hair will start growing like crazy! This potato natural remedy will speed up the process of hair growth, but in the same time will provide shine to your hair.
Monday, February 27, 2017
It Only Takes 1 Ingredient To Remove Pores On Your Face At Home
It Only Takes 1 Ingredient To Remove Pores On Your Face At Home Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH There are dozens of skin problems people are facing with these days. One of them is big, dialated, visible pores. They truly are a sore sight for the eye and do damage to the skin, so no wonder people that with this problem are trying to shrink them and dry them out, in any way possible. Remove Pores on your Face There are hundreds of medical treatments, but they are either too expensive or really hard to find. So, here there are a couple of home remedies provided, you can make them in your own home and eliminate this terrible trouble. Baking soda is the way to go Each of these small recipes are easy, but this one is probably the easiest. You just have to mix two tablespoons of water with two tablespoons of baking soda. Create a paste, apply on your face and leave it to dry out for 15 minutes. Then, wash your face with cool water. Variations with Lime juice Here there will be two recepies, and the first one contains tomato juice. A couple of teaspoon, combined with several drops of lime juice will do the trick for you. Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and apply it on your face. Of course, leave it like that for 15 minutes and then wash off with cold water. The acid, present in the tomato juice will tighten your skin, can also fight against oily skin and close your pores. The second one is a paste, which you have to make out of almonds. You will take several almonds and put them in a small bowl with water. Leave them to stay like that through the night, then mash them up the following morning. After creating a paste out of it, add a teaspoon of lime juice, mix it up, then apply it on your face. Leave it for thirty minutes and wash with cold water. Cucumber also helps Because of it’s refreshing properties, you can find the cucumber very useful for curing this problem. Take one cucumber, nicely peel it and mash the flesh. Add 5-6 drops of lemon juice and one teaspoon of rosewater to get the mixture you need. Put it in a clean cloth, fold it and apply it on your face. Stay like that for a while, and then wash off your face with cold water. Lemon juice is useful too A couple of drops if lemon juice, combined with two egg whites make up a pretty good face mask. Just apply the mixture on your face, wait for it to dry, and rinse off with cold water. This mask will remove all the dead pores and tighten your skin. And for the final recipe, take the juice of a half lemon, squeezed. Only this time, combine it with a cup of pineapple juice. Soak a cloth in this liquid remedy and apply it on your face, leaving it on for about five minutes. Wash it off with cool water. The pineapple juice here has the ability to tighten and clean the skin, especially when mixed with the acidic properties of the lemon juice. One of these masks will definitely help you, and when so, indulge in your healthy, shiny and clean face.
These Famous Stock Cubes Are Poisonous
These Famous Stock Cubes Are Poisonous Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH These Famous Stock Cubes Are Poisonous Knorr, Maggi, Ajinomoto, Kitano – all these brands have been highly popular and the favorite choice of stock for millions of people. People buy these stock cubes considering them healthy, but rarely anyone knows that the flavoring used on them contains one very dangerous ingredient – monosodium glutamate. Monosodium glutamate is a chemical additive that can cause nausea, skin allergies, tachycardia, vomiting, headaches, irregular heartbeat, dizziness and depression when ingested. Using industrialized spices on a daily basis can cause serious health problems, as glutamate stimulates the production of acetycholine in the endocrine system, a substance that reduces the glucose absorption in the body. Too much acetylcholine can result in weight gain and Alzheimer’s disease, and some experts have also linked it to other neurodegenerative conditions. The famous taste of these brands is a sign of how powerful the chemical is. Sodium glutamate is added to almost any processed food nowadays, especially in chicken, beef and vegetable broth cubes. The compound makes us eat more by blocking the neurological function of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for controlling our appetite. This is why it’s important to avoid consuming the substance. If you want a simple, cheap and delicious solution, you need to use fresh or frozen natural spices dipped in olive or coconut oil and then frozen in ice cube trays. In this way, you can just take out a cube and add it to the broth, which is far healthier that using the popular spices by the aforementioned brands.
Several Simple Treating Strep Throat Methods No Antibiotics Needed
Several Simple Treating Strep Throat Methods No Antibiotics Needed Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH SEVERAL SIMPLE TREATING STREP THROAT METHODS – NO ANTIBIOTICS NEEDED A strep throat is a result of a throat inflammation and pain in the throat due to a streptococcus pytogenes bacteria which invades the throat and is followed by high body temperature and fever occurring in the organism. It can commonly appear among children not older than 13, but yet, people of all ages can suffer from it too. Treating Strep Throat Despite there are a variety and tons of antibiotics, recommended as a possible treatment, which have an amazing effect indisputably, still they should not serve as the only remedy which should be given to a child. Do not lose your faith here. Have you forgotten the good old alternative medicine. Go back in time. Diseases were always present, and haven’t changed a lot from what they once were, actually, only the way of treatment did. For what was once treated with a simple homemade remedy there is a variety of pills and medications nowadays.
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Here’s How To Make Ginger Plaster And Treat Various Pains And Rheumatic Problems!
Here’s How To Make Ginger Plaster And Treat Various Pains And Rheumatic Problems! Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH Here’s How To Make Ginger Plaster And Treat Various Pains And Rheumatic Problems! The broad anti-inflammatory effects of ginger have been proven by many studies. Chinese have used this root for eliminating pain for countless years. Some of its usages include relieving arthritis, headaches, muscle pain, improving blood circulation, etc. You can use ginger in different ways, fresh, powdered, dried, and included meals or juices. Nevertheless, today you’ll learn a completely different method to use this potent root in order to gain all of its health benefits. We talk about ginger plaster. This ginger plaster is a reliable home treatment to alleviate and treat pain connected to sore muscles, swollen veins, rheumatism, and sprains. You will feel a hot burning sensation which only means the remedy is working. This DIY remedy will penetrate deeply into your skin, target the origin of your pain, and eliminate it quickly. Here’s ways to prepare a ginger plaster: You’ll Need: 1 ginger root 4 garlic cloves 2 tablespoon course sea salt A clean sheet of plastic film Instructions: Crush the ginger root well. Peel the garlic cloves, and put them in a bowl together with the rest of the ingredients. Mix them using a mortar and pestle until the mixture is ground as shown in the image. Then, put it on the sheet of plastic film. The next thing you need to do is place the plastic film with the ginger mix onto the aching area. Make sure you place it very carefully to prevent the mixture from falling off, and protect the sides with any kind of tape. Then, wrap the whole area with a bandage. This will further protect the ginger press. The advised time to leave it to act is about 6 hours. Nevertheless, don’t use it to treat open injuries, but only for problems like joint pain. Ginger is an exceptional natural remedy that can treat numerous types of inflammation, such as the one caused by Coz-2 enzyme. It can reduce the pain receptors and even reduce sensitivity, which makes ginger as reliable as ibuprofen, aspirin, and other drugs however without their side effects.
This Popular Food Causes Diabetes, Heart Disease And Stroke
This Popular Food Causes Diabetes, Heart Disease And Stroke Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH Due to the fact that instant noodles are cheap and easily prepared, people tend to consume them on a daily basis, especially college kids. Unfortunately, their consumption on a daily basis can lead to serious health conditions, including a heart attack. Besides being harmful for your overall health, instant noodles can cause various other life threatening diseases which can result in death. Another great problem that occurs due to the consumption of instant noodles is the fact that people get obese. WHY DOES RAMEN NOODLES CAUSE HEART DISEASE? Tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ,) is a food additive and a byproduct of the petroleum industry used in order to preserve cheap processed food. this harmful additive is found in instant noodles. In order to find out more about these noodles, a gastrointestinal specialist used lapse video inside the stomach to see what happens after two hours of consuming them. The results were terrible. According to the results, these noodles were not digested properly which unfortunately prevents nutrient absorption thus allowing the preservatives to stay longer in the stomach before they end up in the intestines and are eliminated. What’s Bad About Instant Noodles? Besides being made of salt, sugar, palm oil and wheat flour, they contain artificial color and flavoring as well. Their flavored packets contain powdered salt, seasonings, sugar and monosodium glutamate. It is already discussed that artificial colors and flavors have the ability to destroy the organism, which means that processed wheat and sodium content are only cherry on the top of this delicious food. Instant noodles contain over 2,700 mg of sodium. If you want to stay healthy, make sure to avoid the consumption of instant noodles for good. Conclusion Instant noodles are extremely popular in South Korea. According to a research conducted in this country, 11,000 people who consumed instant noodles on a regular basis were at higher risk of developing diabetes, metabolic syndrome or experience a stroke. As you can realize on your own, they are extremely hazardous for our overall health, so in order to preserve your and your family’s health, make sure to avoid them and try to prepare homemade food like homemade paste or snacks.
How To Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus
How To Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH How To Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus The toenail fungus is a tricky problem. If not treated, it an lead to some serious health issues. But luckily, in the most cases it does not lead to it. Nevertheless, it can contribute to crumbling of the nail, cracking, or worse, losing the entire nail. The cause of it? Sweaty shoes and socks, lowered immune system and bad hygiene, and even diabetes. The good side to this is, that it is curable, and the cure is not that expensive nor hard to find. How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Some of the groundbreaking discoveries that could heal this trouble is apple cider vinegar. It destroys the bacteria, all the while preventing the fungus to thrive. All you need to do is combine the cider with water 50-50, and soak your toes in it for 30 minutes, every day. The results will be visible in no time. If you happen to stumble across tea tree oil, you will find it very useful for this issue. Its antiseptic effects react as a catalyst to improving the health of the toes, and it is also quite often used as a skin cleanser, helping to fight against infections of the skin. Apply a couple of drops of this oil mixed with coconut oil to a piece of cotton and lightly press it against the toenail for several minutes. Do this constantly, until you see some progress with your toenails. These are called home remedies mostly because you can find more of them in the kitchen. Baking sod, white vinegar, oregano oil -all can be used as treatments for the toes.
Why Are You Throwing Away The Seeds – They’re More Important Than The Fruit!
Why Are You Throwing Away The Seeds – They’re More Important Than The Fruit! Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH Why Are You Throwing Away The Seeds – They’re More Important Than The Fruit! Nowadays, more and more people are adopting an Ayurvedic lifestyle which is the key to understanding the source and force of life. It is extremely important to understand the force of life within us in order to be able to use it to heal. In order to get closer to understanding, you need to use the simple method of meditation as a starting point. Through this, you will learn many important things about health, and you will definitely learn not to throw away the seeds from the fruits and veggies. If you think twice, every time you throw away seeds, you actually discard a source of life. This is a huge mistake, so people should stop repeating it. If the universe is not willing to help, how can life prosper. This means that when you throw away seeds, you become that part of the universe that kills that form of life which results in elimination of the source. As you can realize on your own, it is a huge mistake to throw away seeds, instead we should preserve them and with this simple act, we will honor the force and source of life. When it comes to Ayureda, its divine awareness of the plant kingdom’s power is represented in both medicine and diet. There are also some powerful goddesses that protect and nurture awareness of the life force. For instance, the golden goddess of harvest is Lakshimi, while the wheat mother is Kanakadhara Lakshmi. The goddess of vegetation, Durga, wears leaves of natural green, and with every meal the goddess Annapurna is honored. Awareness is Central to Wisdom The main focus in Ayurveda is placed upon the seed and the fruit because the seed is a perfect whole and one produces another. As a result of this continuity we were able to build that Ayurvedic consciousness. The act of preserving the seed, no matter whether you will plant it yourself, donate it to others or save it for later, is actually the simple way of breaking down the walls of ignorance and realizing the source of life as well as brining the source of life into your life so you are aware of it always.
Saturday, February 25, 2017
5 Tips That Will help You To Improve Your Heart Health
5 Tips That Will help You To Improve Your Heart Health Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH 5 Tips That Will help You To Improve Your Heart Health Heart disease is the leading cause of death among the American population. Even if this disease runs in your family, you can protect yourself against it by adopting some easy everyday habits. Improve Your Heart Health There are various ways in which you can reduce your risk of a heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. Here are some simple tips that can help you to improve your heart health. Eat Healthy Foods In order to protect your heart, you should avoid consuming processed food, sugar, salt, white flour-based products, and partially hydrogenated fats. Instead, you should increase your intake of lean protein, fruits, and vegetables. Also, you need to consume more healthy fats, which are beneficial for improving your blood circulation, reducing your inflammation, and managing your weight. You should exclude the hydrogenated trans fats from your diet since they can damage the cells and cause inflammation and arterial plaque. If you have an increased risk of a heart disease, you should consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as sardines, salmon, olive oil, hemp, chia, flax seeds, walnuts, and walnut oil. Improve Your Lifestyle Unhealthy lifestyle is the main cause of a heart disease. Certain habits, such as a lack of exercise, poor diet, reduced sleep hours, as well as a use of tobacco and alcohol can severely affect your heart health. Inactivity, unhealthy diet, and stress cause chronic inflammation, which can lead to fibrosis and hypertension. This will increase your risk of a kidney disease, heart attack, stroke, and many other health problems. Practice Meditation From every risk factor for a heart disease, high blood pressure might be the most challenging to control, especially because of its relationship to your emotions and thoughts.
Referred Pain Chart You Must Be Aware Of
Referred Pain Chart You Must Be Aware Of Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH Referred Pain Chart You Must Be Aware Of Referred pain, also known as reflective pain, is a pain felt in some area of your body other than the actual source. Pain in certain parts of your body can often indicate that something is wrong with a totally different organ. When you feel pain in these parts of your body, you should be examined, especially if the pain lasts for a week. Referred Pain Chart There are 9 types of referred pain that you have to be aware of in order to avoid any severe damage to your health. Lung and Diaphragm People who have some lung issues feel pain in the upper area of the neck and on the shoulder. By massaging these parts of your body, you will relieve the pain temporarily. However, if you have any breathing problems, you should visit your doctor. Liver and Gallbladder Pain in your neck, your upper shoulders, and below your rib cage can indicate that something is wrong with your liver or your gallbladder. If you have some liver or gallbladder issues, the pain is more likely to appear on the right side, where these organs are located. Heart If you feel pain in your chest, as well as in your left hand and your upper back, you may have some heart problems. People who have cardiac problems feel pain in the left parts of their bodies because both these parts and the heart send impulse in the same part of the spinal cord. Stomach and Pancreas Back pain and abdominal pain can signal that you have some problems related to your stomach or your pancreas. This referred pain is the most difficult to be identified because you may feel pain in these parts as a result of a sedentary lifestyle or wrong posture. Small Intestine Problems with the small intestine cause pain in the abdominal area around your navel. This pain may occur because of some functional disorder in the intestine or as a result of intestinal spasm. Colon and Appendix If you have some issue with your appendix, you will feel pain in the right part of your lower abdomen. Problems with the colon or the rectum will cause pain in the central part of your lower abdomen. These are serious issues so, if you notice any pain in these parts, you should immediately consult your doctor. Ovaries A pain on both sides in the front of your abdomen indicates that you have some issue with your ovaries. If you have a problem with your ovaries, regardless if it is a minor infection, cysts, or tumor, you will feel an excessive pain in this area. Kidney If you have some kidney problems, you will feel pain in your lower abdomen, your lower back, your pelvis and your thighs. Because the pain is located in many places, a kidney problem is very difficult to diagnose. Bladder Problems with your bladder cause pain in the lower part of the pelvis. If there is a bladder inflammation, it sends an impulse to this area.
How to get rid of sebaceous cyst
How to get rid of sebaceous cyst Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH How to get rid of sebaceous cyst Is the term sebaceous cyst familiar to you? The Sebaceous Cysts are the bumps underneath the skin. They can be commonly seen on the scalp, face, arms, behind the ears, or any other part of the body except the soles of the feet and the palms. They mostly appear on places where there is more hair, and contain sebum, which blocks the sebaceous gland. How to Get Rid of Sebaceous Cyst You need to know that as long as they are small and disappear by themselves, you should not be worried. But, if you think that they are becoming a threat, then you can treat them. We will provide you with several home remedies which you can use in order to stop them from bothering you any longer. Firstly, you can use apple cider vinegar. The ACV is particularly good when treating cysts, especially those who are filled with puss. Just apply some vinegar directly on the cyst and cover it with a bandage. Leave it like that for one day. After that, remove the bandage and then what you should be seeing is a hard layer of skin. If you feel more puss then press it and wrap it again for another day or two. Repeat this procedure until you see that the cyst is gone and that there is new skin on that place. Second, you can use Aloe Vera. This plant is filled with health benefits, and it is excellent when using it to fight these cysts. So, when you take some Aloe Vera gel and apply it on the cyst, it will fight off the bacteria, kill it, relieve you from any pain, and speed up the healing process. Third, there is the tea tree oil, packed with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, and is of help when you are fighting against the sebaceous cysts. If you apply some tea of the infected area, the wound would heal faster and it would prevent further growth. Next, you can always use witch hazel extract, which is an excellent natural ingredient. It does not matter if you decide to use the leaves or the bark, they are both equally useful. The cysts are filled with extra oil, so the witch hazel can solve this issue immediately. Finally, you can take milk thistle. It has the amazing power of eliminating the accumulated toxins from the body and prevents the cysts. But because they are very strong, you have to consult your doctor prior to using milk thistle tablets. Bottom line is, that popping any of these cysts can only do your body a greater damage. Take care of them in a natural way – this is your best option.
Friday, February 24, 2017
3 Subtle Warnings Signs Of A Heart Attack That Every Woman Needs To Know
3 Subtle Warnings Signs Of A Heart Attack That Every Woman Needs To Know Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH 3 Subtle Warnings Signs Of A Heart Attack That Every Woman Needs To Know Hidden Signs of Heart Attack in Women People are wrong when thinking that men are at greater risk of a heart attack than women because it’s not true at all, as the matter of fact, women are more likely to die from a heart attack than from cancer. Heart Disease Facts and Figures According to the statistics, around 735,000 Americans experience a heart attack every year. The leading cause of death is a heart disease with 17.3 million deaths a year 3 million women suffer from some form of heart disease Number one cause of death of women in the United States is a heart disease. What is a heart attack? Heart attack occurs due to obstruction caused by plague in the coronary arteries since they are in charge of carrying oxygen and nutrients to the heart. Early Warning Signs of a Heart Attack That May Be Easy To Miss Unusual Fatigue An early symptom of heart attack is a sudden fatigue accompanied with heaviness in the chest. Sweating and Shortness of Breath If you experience shortness of breath or sweating, make sure to consult your doctor, especially if they are accompanied with symptoms like chest pain. Pain in Areas Other Than the Chest Besides feeling pain in the chest, people can also experience pain in the arm, back pain or jaw pain which also indicate a heart attack, so pay close attention to the signs. Symptoms Common To Women at the Time of a Heart Attack Lightheadedness Stomach pain or pressure A feeling of squeezing or fullness in any area of the chest Pain in the arms, jaw, back, or neck Nausea Shortness of breath 9 Tips to Reduce Your Risk of Heart Attack Tame the inflammation with Curcumin Inflammation is the most common cause for almost all diseases, so heart attack is not an exception. In order to decrease the accumulation of buildup in the arteries, supplement with curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric which contains potent anti-inflammatory properties. Stop Smoking Quit smoking immediately, since it increases the fibrinogen levels, a protein that increases the risk of dangerous blood clots which will eventually lead to a heart attack. Meditate A 2012 study showed that meditation helps in reducing the risk of stroke, heart attack, and even death in patients with coronary heart diseases. Moderate Exercise Physically active women have lesser chances of experiencing a heart attack than inactive ones. On the other hand, excessive training can also put you at risk, so don’t overdo it. Easy on the sugar! A 2014 study discovers that people who consume food containing a lot of sugar are at 30 % higher risk of death due to cardiovascular issues. Moreover, the good cholesterol also gets lowered due to high calorie intake. Combat Oxidative Stress with Vitamin C and Fish Oil The science discovered that lack of vitamin C in the organism increases the risk of dying from coronary disease. Make sure to consume more fish oil in order to dilate the arteries and stay healthy. Add Vitamin D and Vitamin K to Your Health Regimen In order to make your blood vessel between 50-80 ng/ml, make sure to supplement with vitamin D3. You should also get the proper amount of vitamin K because lack of nutrients leads to calcification of the arteries. Eat Garlic The consumption of garlic has the ability to lower blood pressure, the force of blood against the artery walls. This is why you need to add it in your daily diet, but if you can’t stand the smell, opt for supplements and take for at least 480mg per day. Eat your fruits and veggies! The consumption of five servings of fruits and veggies throughout the day lowers the risk of coronary heart disease by 20%, so make sure to satisfy this need.
Drink This Before Sleep And Wake Up With Less Weight Every Day!
Drink This Before Sleep And Wake Up With Less Weight Every Day! Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH
The Cure For Your Thyroid, Throat, Bronchitis
The Cure For Your Thyroid, Throat, Bronchitis Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH The Cure For Your Thyroid, Throat, Bronchitis Walnuts are not only delicious food, they can be also extremely beneficial for our overall health as well. Many minor or more serious health issues like bronchitis, lowered immunity, thyroid problems, infections of the throat and respiratory tract can be treated with homemade products based on walnuts. Walnuts and Honey Home Remedy In order to prepare this amazing natural remedy, you need to wash and dry 20 young green walnuts. After that, chop each piece into 4 parts and put the pieces in a jar. Then, pour the honey over the walnuts, close it well and leave it for a month exposed to the sun. In the end, strain a shot of this remedy on a daily basis and drink it while it lasts. Walnut, Honey, and Brandy Remedy Chop 40 young green walnuts and put them in a pot. After that, pour one liter of any homemade brandy over the walnuts. In the end, pour a pound of homemade organic honey, stir all the ingredients well with a plastic spoon, cover it and leave it in the sun for 40 days. Once done, you should strain a shot of this remedy every day and drink it while it lasts. Homemade Walnut Brandy. Since ancient times, people have been using walnut brandies to treat thyroid disease. Due to the fact that green walnuts contain iodine, they were the best option for this remedy. It is very simple to prepare, all you have to do is to make small incision in 40 green walnuts with a knife and put them in a large jar. After that, make sure to add 2 liters of homemade brandy, add some sugar if you want, seal the jar and allow it to stand for 6 weeks in the sun. After this period, just strain the brandy into separate bottles. Make sure to take just one shot of this homemade remedy early in the morning, before breakfast. Besides being helpful in treating thyroid issues, it is also an excellent natural solution for stomach-related diseases and mouth and throat mucosa, due to its rich iodine content. When to Pick Green Walnuts? You can find green walnuts in june, when they are the most beneficial. Just remember to check whether they are healthy by slicing them and checking whether their inside it white. Spicing Up Your Drinks You are allowed to spice your brandy as well, by adding some cinnamon, orange, dried lemons, vanilla stick or cloves. Another way to prepare a brandy is to use one deciliter of walnut extract per one liter of brandy. Yet another interesting way of preparing it is by adding 700 ml of red wine mulled with 2.1 kg of sugar, to your strained walnut brandy. At last but not least, you can use the method of mixing 2 dl of extract with half a liter of brandy that you can dilute with 200 grams of sugar and half a liter of water. Remember to stir well the ingredients and then leave them for 2-3 weeks before drinking it.
Wearing A Bra While Sleeping Read This!
Wearing A Bra While Sleeping Read This! Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH Wearing A Bra While Sleeping Read This! If you’re a woman, you probably not completely sure about whether you should wear a bra or not while sleeping. You’re not the only one, believe us. In fact, there are divided opinions about this issue. There are those who are in favor of this habit and those who always take off their bra before going to bed. When it comes to wearing a bra at night, there are a lot of true facts, but there are also many myths to which you shouldn’t pay too much attention. Those who don’t wear a bra while sleeping claim that this habit can cause body marks and clog the lymph nodes and thus, increase the chances of breast cancer. However, others don’t agree with this claim. That is, they think that wearing a bra all the time prevents the breasts from becoming saggy. According to medical experts, the lymph nodes in the armpits have a natural way of filtering or draining the breast of lymph fluid and preventing infection, cancerous cells, and other foreign materials from causing problems. And, there is no hard evidence that wearing a bra at night blocks the pathway of the lymph nodes, therefore, the claim that wearing a bra while sleeping increases the risk of breast cancer shouldn’t be taken into account. Moreover, there is no scientific proof for the claim that wearing a bra all the time prevents the breasts from becoming saggy. The scientifically confirmed contributing factors to breast sagginess are genetics, breastfeeding, age, or pregnancy. In order to prevent sagging, women who wear a size C and above, need to choose a soft bra which doesn’t have hardware of a fastener while women with smaller breasts have no benefit from wearing a bra while sleeping. All in all, the best option is the one which suits you the most and it is usually a question of comfort. Always opt for natural fiber bras which will fit you well and offer adequate support for your breasts.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
This is The Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Ever Kills Any Infections in The Body
This is The Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Ever Kills Any Infections in The Body Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH This is The Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Ever Kills Any Infections in The Body Master tonic – Recipe You may want to wear gloves during the preparation, especially when handling hot peppers, because it is difficult to get the tingling off your hands! Be careful, its smell is very strong, and it may stimulate the sinuses instantly. Ingredients: 24 oz /700 ml apple cider vinegar (always use organic) ¼ cup finely chopped garlic ¼ cup finely chopped onion 2 fresh peppers, the hottest you can find (be careful with the cleaning – wear gloves!!!) ¼ cup grated ginger 2 tbsp grated horseradish 2 tbsp turmeric powder or 2 pieces of turmeric root Preparation: 1. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, except for the vinegar. 2. Transfer the mixture to a Mason jar. 3. Pour in some apple cider vinegar and fill it to the top. It is best if 2/3 of the jar consist of dry ingredients, and fill in the rest with vinegar. 4. Close well and shake. 5. Keep the jar in a cool and dry place for 2 weeks. Shake well several times a day. 6. After 14 days, squeeze well and strain the liquid through a plastic strain. For better results put a gauze over it. Squeeze well so the whole juice comes out. 7. Use the rest of the dry mixture when cooking. Your master tonic is ready for use. You do not need to keep the tonic in your fridge. It will last for long. Extra Tip: You can also use it in the kitchen – mix it with some olive oil and use it as a salad dressing or in your stews. Dosing: 1. Caution: The flavor is very strong and hot! 2. Extra Tip: Eat a slice of orange, lemon or lime after you take the tonic to ease the burning sensation and heat. 3. Gargle and swallow. 4. Do not dilute it in water as it will reduce the effect. 5. Take 1 tablespoon every day to strengthen the immune system and fight cold. 6. Increase the amount every day until you reach a dose of 1 small glass per day (the size of a liquor glass). 7. If you struggle against more serious disease or infection, take 1 tablespoon of the tonic 5-6 times a day. 8. It is safe for pregnant women and children (use small doses!) because the ingredients are all-natural and contain no toxins. Health benefits Garlic is a strong antibiotic with a wide range of health benefits. Unlike chemical antibiotics that kill millions of friendly bacteria your body needs, its only goal is bacteria and microorganisms. Garlic also encourages and increases the level of healthy bacteria. It is a powerful antifungal agent and destroys any antigen, pathogen, and harmful disease-causing microorganisms. Onion is garlic’s closest relative and it has a similar but milder action. Together they create a strong fighting duo. Horseradish is a powerful herb, efficient for sinuses and lungs. It opens sinus channels and increases circulation, where common colds and flu usually begin, as most doctors would agree. Ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and it is a strong circulation stimulant. Chili peppers are the most powerful circulation stimulators. They just send their antibiotic properties to fight the disease where it is mostly needed. Turmeric is the most perfect spice, cleanses infections and reduces inflammation. Blocks the development of cancer, and prevents dementia. It is especially useful for those who struggle with joint pain. Apple cider vinegar – there must be something very healthy in the use of apple cider vinegar as the father of medicine, Hippocrates, used vinegar around 400 BC because of its healthy properties. It is said that he used only two remedies: honey and apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is made from fresh and ripe apples which are later fermented and go through rigorous process to give the final product. Apple cider vinegar contains pectin, a fiber that reduces bad cholesterol and regulates blood pressure. Health experts agree that people need more calcium as they get old. Vinegar helps the extraction of calcium from foods it is mixed with, which helps in the process of maintaining bone strength. Potassium deficiency causes a variety of problems including hair loss, brittle nails and teeth, sinusitis, and runny nose. Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium. Studies have shown that potassium deficiency results in slow growth. All of these problems can be avoided if you use apple cider vinegar regularly. Potassium also removes toxic wastes from the body. Beta-carotene prevents damage caused by free radicals, maintains skin firm and young. Apple cider vinegar is good for those who want to lose weight. It breaks up fat which supports a natural weight loss process. Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid, efficient in the fight against fungal and bacterial infections. This acid dissolves uric acid deposits that form around the joints, and thus alleviates joint pain. Dissolved uric acid is later eliminated from the body.
Unique Homemade Cream To Gets Rid Of Scars Completely Within 2 Weeks (Health and Care)
Unique Homemade Cream To Gets Rid Of Scars Completely Within 2 Weeks (Health and Care) Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH Unique Homemade Cream To Gets Rid Of Scars Completely Within 2 Weeks (Health and Care) Scars are something nasty that affects your pretty look. It can be a stain on a person’s overall personality. Scars are painless. A lot of potions and creams are available in the market for sale to fade the scars. If you don’t want to spend on these products and want to heal the scars naturally, you can opt for home remedies. Stop hiding your scars with the help of a concealer and try out the following natural remedies for removing scars at home. We will introduce you an excellent homemade ointment that will effectively eliminate scars in only 2 weeks! Home Remedy for Scars Ingredients: 1 tablespoon natural raw honey 1/4 olive oil 3-4 drops lavender oil ¼ cup cocoa butter Instructions: Melt the cocoa butter over a hot water bath and add the same amount of olive oil to it. Then, add 1 tablespoon of honey and 3-4 drops of lavender oil. Leave the mixture to cool down and put it in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. When cool, put it in a jar and close it tightly. Your homemade cream for removing scars is ready! Use: Apply the ointment on the scars every morning and every evening. The results will surprise you! Moreover, apart from eliminating your scars, the cream will also nourish your skin.
Destroy Your Moles, Warts, Blackheads, Skin Tags And Age Spots Completely Naturally
Destroy Your Moles, Warts, Blackheads, Skin Tags And Age Spots Completely Naturally Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH Destroy Your Moles, Warts, Blackheads, Skin Tags And Age Spots Completely Naturally The human skin is the outer covering of the body. In humans, it is the largest organ of the integumentary system. At some point of life, we all can have certain skin issues, like moles, skin tags, clogged pores or skin breakouts. They are all caused by some hormonal imbalance or changes in your lifestyle. Undoubtedly, there are numerous different skin and beauty care products which are intended to solve these issues and make your skin clear and glowing. However, only a few of them are really effective. Therefore, in order to avoid harmful chemicals and use natural products, you should do some simple and easy natural homemade remedies that can provide fantastic results. They can improve the appearance of your skin and get rid of all skin issues. In order to have a healthy and clear skin, you should try the following excellent natural remedies for common skin problems: Moles Moles are common skin issue which can appear at any time in life in both, children and adults. They are actually close groupings of skin pigmentation cells called melanocytes, and come as a result of sun exposure or genetics. Garlic The garlic extract or just plain garlic can be extremely effective in eliminating moles. Before you apply it, protect the skin around the mole with masking tape or petroleum jelly. Then, apply the garlic extract or pressed garlic to the mole, cover the area with a bandage and leave it thus for four hours. This procedure should be repeated every day. Castor Oil and Baking Soda You can also use the mixture of castor oil and baking soda for the same cause. Mix the castor oil and baking soda into a gummy paste, and apply the paste on the mole. Then, cover the area with a bandage and leave it thus overnight. The next morning, remove the bandage and rinse the area. Repeat the procedure every night. Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar is excellent in removing moles. Soak a cotton ball in the apple cider vinegar, and apply it on the mole. Secure it with a bandage or medical tape and leave it to act for eight hours. Over time, the mole will blacken and fall off.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Watch Your Teeth Get White In Just 2 Min With This Home Remedy!
Watch Your Teeth Get White In Just 2 Min With This Home Remedy! Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH Watch Your Teeth Get White In Just 2 Min With This Home Remedy! We all want to have a perfect smile, and the teeth are the calling card of a person which generates a good impression to others. This is the reason why all of us want to have white and neat teeth. The first step, if you want to steal the look and have a perfect smile, is maintaining good oral hygiene. We give you the perfect home remedy you should utilize if you want to whiten your teeth in two minutes. You do not have to spend money on expensive dental treatments. To get the smile you want, you should use this trick. All you need is a couple of these simple and available ingredients, which can be found in every store: lemon and baking soda. Follow these steps: 1. Add a tablespoon of baking soda in a bowl. 2. Cut the lemon in two halves 3. Then, squeeze the lemon and get a tablespoon of lemon juice 4. Add the lemon juice to the baking soda and mix the ingredients 5. Take a napkin 6. You should use the napkin to take the mixture out of the bowl and apply the mixture to your teeth 7. You have to wait for two minutes, so that the remedy can work 8. Rinse your mouth and the teeth well and get the result you expected. Take a look in the mirror and see how your teeth have become whiter. You should not repeat this procedure too often and abuse its benefits, because you can generate wear on your tooth enamel. Utilize this trick sparingly in order to avoid side effects on your teeth.
Monday, February 20, 2017
Raw Honey Garlic Lemon Shots A Simple Recipe To Supercharge Your Immune System
Raw Honey Garlic Lemon Shots A Simple Recipe To Supercharge Your Immune System Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH Raw Honey Garlic Lemon Shots A Simple Recipe To Supercharge Your Immune System According to some nutritionists recipes involving cooked onions, garlic and other alliums are very healthy, because the heating process destroys much of the allicin which improves their protective effects. However this is partially true. In many cases eating a raw onions is way better. In this article we will present you a very simple and extremely healthy recipe that you need to consume during the cold and flu season. This recipe will help you supercharge your immune system. Because of their unique combination of flavonoids and sulfur-containing nutrients, allium vegetables, such as garlic, belong in your diet on a regular basis. According to one research you need to include at least one serving of allium vegetable, such as garlic, in your daily meals. If you decide to consume garlic, as your daily serving of allium vegetable, you should know that you need to include at least 1/2 clove in an individual food portion. And if you are preparing a meal for more than 2 persons, you should use at least 1-2 cloves. According to a study that was conducted by Washington State University, garlic is 100times more effective than antibiotics at fighting disease causing bacteria commonly responsible for foodborne illness. Also the garlics anti-viral potency is probably even more effective. Allicin is one of garlic’s most highly valued sulfur compounds. This compound stays intact for only 2-16 hours at room temperature when it is in purified (extracted) form. But when it’s still inside its shell, allicin will stay viable for about 2-1/2 days. If you give your chopped/crushed garlic time to sit before changing its temperature (through cooking) or its pH (through the addition of acidic food like lemon juice), it will give the alliinase enzymes in garlic an opportunity to work on behalf of your health. In other words, according to a research, in the absence of chopping or crushing, only by 60 seconds of immediate microwaving will cause the garlic to lose some of its cancer-protective properties. In order to maximize the potency of the garlic, you need to let it sit for at least 10-15 minutes, before cooking it or adding it to the lemon juice. This recipe is very simple to make and it has maximum benefits to your health, especially during the flu and cold season. The following recipe is consisted of very beneficial immune boosting constituents. It is made inside a lemon half and you can eat it in only a few bites. We suggest you eat one or two of these a day during a flu season (usually from January to March). And finally here is the recipe for this magnificent shots. Raw Honey Garlic Lemon Shots Necessary ingredients: 1 lemon (preferably organic) 1-2 cloves of garlic (depends on size of the cloves) 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper 1 tablespoon of honey (preferably Manuka but at least Raw) Preparation: Step 1 – First you need to cut a lemon in halves. Step 2 – Now you need to squeeze all the lemon juice out of one half of the lemon and then place it in a small bowl.Keep the half you extracted the juice from for Step 5and store the other half for later use. Step 3 – Chop the garlic and it let it sit for at least 10 minutes. Then add it to the lemon juice with the cayenne pepper. Step 4 – Add the honey to the mix and stir all ingredients well. Step 5 – Pour the entire mixture back into the lemon half (which you extracted the juice from in Step 2) Consume the finished product in its entirety including all the lemon pulp. Hold it in your hand and cup it as if you’re holding a fruit. Repeat recipe in 4 hours with the other lemon half.
Sunday, February 19, 2017
How to Treat Eyes Styes at Home
How to Treat Eyes Styes at Home Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH How to Treat Eyes Styes at Home A stye is a gland inflammation at the base of your eyelashes. It isn’t a serious condition, however it can be quite painful and inconvenient.Styes are usually caused by a bacterial infection. Today, we’ll give you natural ways to treat eye styes at home. An external stye is red and inflamed, and tender to the touch. It’s usually located on the edge of the eyelid.It can also suddenly disappear at any time. Furthermore, you could find a nodule anywhere there has been damage to the eyelid. An internal stye, on the other hand, is usually found farther from the eyelid edge and can take much longer to heal compared to external styes. How To Treat Styes Pressing, rubbing or popping them is not recommended. Let them clear out on their own. Use antibiotic eye drops to prevent conjunctivitis or direct contamination. Don’t apply makeup, as it can worsen the condition. Take hygienic precautions to keep the affected area clean and prevent an infection. You can relieve gland obstructions with warm compresses. You can use chamomile tea, as it contains calming agents that can help reduce swelling and pain, as well as draw out the fluid from the stye. All you need to do is place a bag of chamomile tea in hot water for a few seconds, then remove the tea bag and wait a few moments before squeezing the liquid and placing it directly on the affected area. When the bag cools, remove it. Repeat the process as many times as needed. Grandmother’s Traditional Recipes Hen egg:Place a warm hen egg directly on the stye for five minutes. Green onion:Cut along the length of the onion, starting where the leaf begins. Apply the juice on the affected area. Marigold tea:Add a tablespoon of marigold petals in a quart of water. Strain the liquid, soak some gauze in and apply itdirectly on the affected eye until it cools. Mint leaves: Crush some mint leaves and apply them directly to the stye. Leave them on for about five minutes, before rinsing them off with warm water. Prevent Styes Rubbing our eyes is a habit we have especially when they are red or inflamed. Children tend to rub their eyes when they’re tired. This is a very bad habit.It’s responsible for the appearance of styes in most cases. Avoid touching your eyes to avoid any kind of contamination or infection. Make sure your hands are clean at all times. Another way to avoid getting styes is by consuming vitamin A. It increases the immune system’s defenses. Vitamin A is often lost during cooking, so be careful when preparing foods that contain it, such as eggs,carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, spinach, lettuce.
Do The Test With Eyes And See If Something Is Wrong With The Adrenal Glands (health and care)
Do The Test With Eyes And See If Something Is Wrong With The Adrenal Glands (health and care) Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A facebook : https://goo.gl/HBVHoH Do The Test With Eyes And See If Something Is Wrong With The Adrenal Glands (health and care) In this article, we will present you a test which will help you see whether you have problems with your adrenal glands. For instance, if you are dealing with adrenal fatigue, your pupils will be able to hold its concentration for more than two minutes. You should repeat this test at least once in a moth. You will need: Darkroom Poor lighting Stopwatch A mirror How to make: Get in a dark room, sit in front of the mirror for about a minute and allow your eyes to adjust. After that, illuminate the side of the head over one eye but make sure the light is not going directly at the eye. The flashlight should be at least six inches far from the face. Once done, repeat the same on the other side. Use a stopwatch to measure how long the contraction lasts. An early sign of adrenal fatigue would be if the pupil does not hold the contraction for a longer period of time. Make sure to consult your doctor immediately if you suspect an adrenal fatigue and you should also get your cortisol levels at time. Meanwhile, try to make some changes that can help prevent or even treat this issue. Among them are: Exercise on a daily basis. For instance, you can walk, swim, yoga or tai chi. Avoid the consumption of foods with lots of sugars or refined carbs. Avoid highly stressful situations. Remember to sleep at least eight hours per day. Incorporate plenty of lean meat, fruits and veggies on a daily basis. Goodbye to strokes, diabetes, hypertension, Alzheimer's disease and more diseases with this simple l https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEXCign2TLg If your kidney is in danger, the body will give you these 8 signs; Do not ignore it and share https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSaDk46gy5Y
9 Signals From Our Bodies That Need To Be Taken Seriously
9 Signals From Our Bodies That Need To Be Taken Seriously Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A 9 Signals From Our Bodies That Need To Be Taken Seriously The key to cure any disease is to detect it on time. In order to be able to do that, we need to pay close attention to all the signs our body shows. Our body is always reacting in certain way when there is something wrong with the internal organs, it gives us some obvious signs. In this article, we will present nine important signals you should never take for granted. Dark Circles under the Eyes Lack of sleep is the major cause of dark circles around the eyes, but they can also appear due to anemia. This is a condition where red blood cells are not enough produced, thus making the skin under the eyes dark. Blurred Vision Astigmatism or short-sightedness can be detected if you experience tired eyes or blurred vision. If you do experience this, pay a visit to your optician as soon as possible. Color Changes on the Fingers Change in color of your nails is an indicator that you probably have Reynaud’s Syndrome, a condition where spasms are caused due to low temperatures. As a result, this condition triggers changes in the color of the skin on your fingers. Blobs in Front of the Eyes An early symptom of cataracts or other serious issue associated with your vision is seeing dots or strips in front of your eyes several times in a week. If you experience this, consult your doctor immediately. Twitching Eyelids Twitching eyelids is a clear sign that your eyes have been overworked. On the other hand, if this situation is persistent, than it means that you are dealing with a severe issue linked with your nervous system, so visit a neuropathology immediately. Ringing in the Ears You can detect tinnitus if you experience ringing or noise in your ears. If it is persistent, it may indicate some health issue, so make sure to see your physician as soon as possible. “Music” in the Stomach Persistent rumbling in your stomach is an indicator that something wrong is occurring inside your intestines, so make sure to visit your doctor immediately. Peeling Skin Insufficient amounts of vitamins in your organism cause peeling of your skin. Moreover, if it is accompanied by an itch, it could indicate a fungal infection, so visit your doctor immediately. Partial Loss of Smell Different viral infections or strong cold can cause partial loss of smell, so if you are young and you experience this, consult your doctor as soon as you can.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Use Lemon Slice To Get Spot Free Soft Glowy Skin In 2 Minutes
Use Lemon Slice To Get Spot Free Soft Glowy Skin In 2 Minutes Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Use Lemon Slice To Get Spot Free Soft Glowy Skin In 2 Minutes Today I will tell you how can you use lemon to get soft glowy skin instantly Most of the time your skin appear dull because of layer of dead skin, just remove it and you can see instant glow on your face. For this you will just need a lemon and some salt. On a lemon slice put some sale and use this to scrub your face gently. Do scrubbing for few minutes and wash it off with normal water After this apply a face pack for 15 minutes. For this in rice flour mix honey and lemon juice, if required you can also add some water. Apply it all over your face and wash it off after 15 minutes Pat dry your face and apply moisturizer
How to whiten dark elbows underarms and knee easily at home
How to whiten dark elbows underarms and knee easily at home Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A How to whiten dark elbows underarms and knee easily at home Dim elbows and armpits are a typical thing among individuals everywhere throughout the world, and they can really be repulsive once in a while. This is the reason we’ve committed an article to displaying you a characteristic cure that is protected and compelling in making the skin on these regions look precisely like whatever remains of your skin in the blink of an eye. There are a couple reasons of why dim armpits, elbows and knees show up, and it is on the grounds that those body parts regularly accumulate the most earth and sweat, and thus they turn dim over a timeframe. They’re most discernible when you wear sleeveless or short dresses, and this causes fearlessness issues as it makes others question your cleanliness levels. To put it short and basic it is a disagreeable condition and will help you dispose of it.
Peel Of Lemon Can Remove Joint Pain Forever
Peel Of Lemon Can Remove Joint Pain Forever Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Peel Of Lemon Can Remove Joint Pain Forever Many people suffer from joint pain which is usually caused due to certain injuries that affect any of the ligaments or tendons surrounding the joint. The most common symptoms of joint pain are: warmth, tenderness, limping, swelling, redness, weakness and loss of range of motion of the joint. Arthritis is actually the inflammation in joint which causes stiffness and pain. Homemade Remedy for Joint Pain Ingredients: Extra virgin olive oil 2 large organic lemons Eucalyptus leaves A small jar with lid Clean gauze Instructions: First of all, wash the lemons thoroughly and then grate the peels and place them in a jar. After that, pour some olive oil over them. In the end, add the eucalyptus leaves and close the jar tightly. Allow the mixture to stand for 2 weeks and after that add a bit of this remedy to some gauze and place it over the painful area. Allow it to soak into the skin throughout the whole night. Lemon Peel Tea Ingredients: 1 liter of water 2 lemon peels, and the juice honey (optional) Instructions: Add the lemon peel into the water and boil it for 15 minutes. After that, remove it from heat and add the lemon juice and honey. Besides being able to reduce the joint pain, this miraculous tea will also prove numerous other benefits like the following ones: Strengthens the immune system and prevents disease Lowers blood pressure Improves skin health, by fighting excess oil Reduces inflammation and gas Helps regulate the pH of the blood Fights bad breath Relieves headaches People suffering from arthritis reach for conventional medications which usually cause side-effects. This is why you should try some more natural approaches, like lemons. Due to the beneficial nutrients contained in lemon such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, pectin, bioflavonoids, fiber, vitamins A, C, B1, B6, lemons are extremely effective in the fight against numerous health conditions. You should also be aware of the fact that lemon peels are very beneficial as well, so don’t throw them away. Lemon Peel for Joint Pain Lemon peel has the ability to soothe nerve pain and the blood vessels as well since it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Besides these beneficial properties, lemon peel also contains nutrients like pectins, hesperidin, malic acid, formic acid, citric acid, vitamin C, lemon oil, citronella and phellandrene. At last but not least, lemon peel can also produce an anti-inflammatory effect which significantly reduces painful sensations.
Friday, February 17, 2017
If you want to make your liver 20+ years younger, just consume this fruit!
If you want to make your liver 20+ years younger, just consume this fruit! Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A If you want to make your liver 20+ years younger, just consume this fruit! Serious illnesses will affect your entire body if you do not treat your liver properly. The liver produces proteins with the help of vitamin K. These proteins are very important in blood clotting. Breaking down old or damaged blood cells is also one of the liver’s properties. Without a doubt, this organ plays a major role in all of the metabolic processes in the body. The liver cells break down fats and produce energy in a fat metabolism. It is also known that the liver is able to regenerate on its own. The liver is one of the most significant and powerful organs in our bodies. It is not difficult to treat it right and keep it healthy. If you haven’t been taking care of this organ, the possibilities of getting many diseases and illnesses will be huge. The damage of the liver can lead to even worse problems. The most common causes of liver damage are having an unhealthy diet, being overweight, excessive alcohol consumption and some medications. Tamarind has long been a part of traditional healing techniques in Africa and Asia. Generally, it is important for the improvement of the cardiovascular system and soothing of the gastrointestinal distress. However, it offers a variety of additional health benefits,which makes it a truly amazing natural cure. The tamarind fruit is able to fight against almost all liver problems. Besides being able to detoxify your body, it can also eliminate the fat in your liver. Improving your digestion, protecting the liver, lowering the cholesterol, curing any problems with the bile and improving your overall health are also some of its health benefits. Recipe for treating fatty liver disease and hepatitis: The first thing you need to do is to put two handfuls of peeled tamarind in a blender. Then, add one liter of water. You need to mix it well. The next step is to strain the mixture. You can consume this beverage during the day. Put 25 well-washed tamarind leaves in a pot with 1 liter of water, if you want to prepare a tamarind tea. You need to boil the mixture for 15-20 minutes. Leave it to cool down. Even though we recommend drinking the tea unsweetened, you can add some honey or brown sugar if you want. If you want to cure your problems with the liver and improve your health, drink this tea twice a day, one cup in the morning, and one cup in the evening. Here is how you can use the tamarind – Health benefits of the tamarind: 1. Tamarind can help you to normalize the procession and reduce the constipation. Simply boil some tamarind fruit and eat a few tablespoons. You should quickly feel some relief. 2. This fruit can reduce the level of acidity in the body and enhance the functioning of bile in the liver. 3. Tamarind has been known as a possibility for the treatment of dysentery. 4. Malarial fever can be reduced by only drinking the tea from tamarind leaves. 5. The huge amount of vitamin C, found in tamarind, acts as a potent antioxidant. Vitamin C is important for maintaining the body functions more and preserving healthy gums. 6. By reducing the level of harmful cholesterol (LDL), the tamarind is capable of helping cardiovascular health. 7. The tamarind leaves can be used to fight intestinal infections in children. 8. Hepatitis can be reduced by simply eating tamarind. 9. Antioxidants in tamarinds include phenols and naringenin, which are considered to help in the fight against some cancers. 10. Important nutrients found in tamarind include thiamin, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, fiber, calcium and niacin. Thehigh levels of these nutrients make the tamarind a real “super fruit.” If you enjoyed and learned something new, please do not forget to share this article with your friends. In that way you are going to help your friends and free them from their liver problems. This article is open source and free to re-blog or use if you give a direct link back to the original article URL. By making the information available to everyone, we are able to help someone in need. Have a nice day!
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Top 6 Amazing Uses Of Vitamin E capsules For Skin And Hair, 5 Is Awesome
Top 6 Amazing Uses Of Vitamin E capsules For Skin And Hair, 5 Is Awesome Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A Top 6 Amazing Uses Of Vitamin E capsules For Skin And Hair, 5 Is Awesome We all want to have beautiful skin and hair, so we tend to use many store bought products in order to achieve that. Sadly, most of them contain chemicals which cause more damage than good to both our skin and hair. This is why you should definitely use vitamin E capsules which are available in the medical shops. In order to enhance beauty of your skin and hair, you should follow these 6 ways of using vitamin E capsules. Dark circles In a container, pout 1 teaspoon of almond oil, but you can also replace it with coconut oil. After that, add 2 capsules of vitamin E and mix the ingredients well. Apply this solution under the eye area prior bedtime. This solution will help you get rid of dark circles and wrinkles under your eyes. Wrinkles on your fingers In a small bowl, add some milk cream and oil from 1 vitamin E capsule. Mix the ingredients well. Once prepared, apply the mixture on your hands and feet in order to make them soft and smooth. In order to remove wrinkles from your fingers, you should massage your hands gently with this natural solution. after application, allow it to act for 20 minutes and then wash your hands with lukewarm water. Split ends In order to improve the split ends of your hair, you need to prepare a mixture with half a teaspoon castor oil and oil from one vitamin E capsule. After that, just apply it on your split ends. This mixture will repair the damaged follicles since vitamin E has anti-oxidant properties. In a small container, mix some of your favorite moisturizer and oil from one vitamin E capsule. In the evening, before going to bed, apply the solution on your face. This combination will help you fade the scars, accelerate the healing of damaged skin as well as prevent scars from becoming permanent. Moreover, it also moisturizes your skin and helps repair damaged tissue. For chapped lips In a small container, put a half a teaspoon of honey. After that, poke a small hole in a capsule with a needle and squeeze the whole oil in the container. Mix both ingredients well. Once done, apply the mixture to your chapped lips and this will help you hydrate them as well as make them soft and smooth. Just make sure to apply it prior to bedtime. Cracked heels Prepare a mixture with some petroleum jelly and oil from one E capsule. In the evening, before bedtime, apply this solution on your cracked heels. The next morning, you will have soft and smooth skin.
Do You Have Surplus Fat On Your Belly Here's How To Get Rid Of It
Do You Have Surplus Fat On Your Belly Here's How To Get Rid Of It Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A DO YOU HAVE SURPLUS FAT ON YOUR BELLY HERE’S HOW TO GET RID OF IT! When it comes to burning fat and losing weight, the fat in the abdominal area is one of the most difficult ones for removal. For the purpose of having a flatter belly, there are plenty of exercises, diets, and weight loss products whose aim is to aid the burning of unwanted abdominal fat. But, in most cases, these methods and products are not as effective as thought and they are expensive. So, the question which arises is what to do in order to shed belly fat without undergoing expensive and ineffective treatments? Believe it or not, you only need to follow these couple of advice: Don’t do crunches- crunches can’t help you lose belly fat even though they can strengthen the abdominal muscles. Become stronger– training which is focused on building muscle mass can prevent the loss of muscle and encourage weight loss. The best exercises for this are squats and dead lifts. They’re focused on the lower back and abdomen muscles and they can strengthen the abdominal muscles and lower the size of your waist. Eat healthy food– remove processed foods from your diet and include more fruits, veggies, proteins, carbs, and fats.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
30 Second Daily Skin Care Tips That Will Make You Look 10 Years Younger
30 Second Daily Skin Care Tips That Will Make You Look 10 Years Younger Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A 30 Second Daily Skin Care Tips That Will Make You Look 10 Years Younger We all want to take care for our skin, and we do some things every day about it, like changing the pillowcase. But this is not enough, here are 17 advices how to keep your skin soften, and also rejuvenate. 1. Women have to take off the makeup before sleeping. 2. During the cleaning of the face, try to massage your skin, so the circulation is taking the higher level, and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. 3. The condition of your skin can not be in perfect form, if you pop your pimples. This can only worsen their appearance. 4. Our hands are exposed to bacteria, so we must be careful when we touch our faces, unless they are clean. 5. Take care often to consume food that is health for your skin. 6. Your eye creams have to be always in the fridge. 7. Ice cubes are not good for pimples, except when you have red blemish. 8. All natural remedies that you need are exactly in your kitchen: tea treatments, olive oil, coconut oil, oatmeal, and sugar scrubs. 9. You can easily transfer lot of bacteria on your face, using your mobile phone. So you have to clean the phone daily. 10. You’ll need separate towels for hair, and face. 11. The pillowcase have to be changed on daily basic. 12. You have to be careful using hair products, make sure they do not come in contact with your skin. 13. Pay attention on acne breakotus, their appearance means something in your body is wrong. If you notice pimple on your forehead, that is maybe a liver problem. 14. Make sure your body is always hydrated, drink great quantities of water. 15. Eat organic food. 16. Exfoliate your skin every day in order to remove the dead cells from its surface. 17. You can cause irritation on your sink, using face cream which contain numerous chemicals, natural products are always the best choice.
He Is Healed Periodontal Disease By Himself And Shares The Recipe
He Is Healed Periodontal Disease By Himself And Shares The Recipe Please Subscribe My Channel : https://goo.gl/CuVAw2 Blog : https://goo.gl/Ag587A He Is Healed Periodontal Disease By Himself And Shares The Recipe It is crucial for us to keep our teeth healthy because they are an important part of our body. Nevertheless, an improper care leads to numerous diseases, including periodontal disease. It is in fact a disease of the teeth which damages not only the fleshy part of the palate, but the bone as well, and the remaining structure of the teeth and around the teeth. Gingivitis, or inflammation of the gum is just an early symptom of bigger problems. In order to prevent further complication and even the loss of teeth, you need to cure the disease and to use the right medicine and medical treatment. In this article, we will share an experience of a man from Germany who was extremely satisfied so people all around the world began to follow his example immediately. He managed to cure periodontal disease completely which made him to share his secret with the public. He says that even his dentist was surprised with the progress he had achieved. The best part is that the remedy is completely natural, available and inexpensive – it is lemon juice. He explains that he had been drinking lemon juice in combination with water on a daily basis. He even drank 2-3 and sometimes 4 lemons per day. Even though lemon is acidic, once ingested, it makes the body alkaline. The reason why the disease couldn’t survive is the fact that the bacteria that causes periodontal disease cannot survive in an alkaline environment. The consumption of this beverage will help you make your gums healthier, stronger and free of inflammation. Don’t hesitate and try it, you won’t regret for sure.
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