Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Stop Eating This Type Of Food Because Dangerous Worms May Appear Inside Your Body!

Stop Eating This Type Of Food Because Dangerous Worms May Appear Inside Your Body! Please Subscribe My Channel : Blog : Facebook : Stop Eating This Type Of Food Because Dangerous Worms May Appear Inside Your Body! Many people are consuming almost the same food every day, which is not good for their health. They are not aware that eating meats such as pork and beef can contain a specific type of worm that can seriously affect their health. These worms are dangerous because when they are in your body they can move through your tissue, eyes and even brain. It maybe sound like something impossible, but it is actually true. According to the team of doctors in Addenbrookes Hospital at Cambridge, a patient came to the hospital complaining of severe headaches. The patient came back after a while for some tests, this time he was complaining for new symptoms. He said, he had recently visited China, Thailand, Japan and South Korea, which are known as the countries having the most reported cases of the parasite known as Spirometra Erinaceieuropaei. All of the symptoms that that patient had were indicating that he has that type of parasite in his body. After doctors done some tests they saw that the patient indeed had this kind of infection and they removed the worms from his body with surgery because that is the only solution for this problem. Everyone should know that you can get infected in two ways of these tapeworms: – First one is with contact with swine or human feces; – The second one is eating under-cooked pork from pigs that are infected. Goodbye to the pain of joints, bones and any part of the body forever; Amazing A Secret of dermatologist has leaked; Thanks to this she has the most beautiful feet in the world Slimming 8 kilos in 20 days with this delicious breakfast Look what happens when you put coffee in your hair; Awesome I Never Thought That After Trying This I Will Never Go To Salon For Facial || Health and Care If you want to make your liver 20+ years younger, just consume this fruit!

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